Maya Angelou - Social Activist

       The childhood and yound adulthood of Maya has obviously affected her writing, but it has also make her a vocal social commentator and activist. In the 1960s, at the request of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ms Angelou became the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She was appointed by President Gerald Ford to the Bicentennial Commission, and by President Jimmy Carter to the National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year.

       Several of her more recent activities are speaking at the FAMILIES ALIVE CONFERENCE, May 8, 1997, held on the Weber State campus in Ogden, Utah. Most recently, she was the key note speaker at the HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN FOUNDATION's black tie dinner on November 22, 1997 in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.

       Her firm stand on the responsibility of artists in being socially active is well-developed in the recent interview by Ken Kelley for MOTHER JONES Magazine.

       The recitation of this specially-written poem at the MILLION MAN MARCH in 1995 further illustrates her deep feelings and committment. I've linked the entire video so that you can further appreciate her furvor.

       I've added the poem on racism to further illustrate her burning beliefs as presented to this conference. This is from a web page at the University of Dayton entitled RACE AND RACISM IN AMERICAN LAW . You'll find Ms. Angelou's poem by paging down a few times.

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